
Please see below links to slides and resources from previous events, documents and blogs and recordings

General resources

Clinical safety training courses available to all NHS staff

HFMA Delivering value with digital technology workstream

NHS Innovation library

Join the Software skills network

Microsoft software training courses

Register for the FedIP HUB to acccess free resources

Analyst X learning resources, data and analytics communities and events

Slides & slide notes

South West Connect Conference 25 June 2024, Exeter

1-Openig Keynote, James Freed

2- South West regional update, Dr Stephen Trowell

3- Snapshot sessions, Nick Peres

4- Snapshot sessions, Roger Mcdermot

5- Snapshot sessions, Dr Gill Horne

6- Snapshot sessions, AHP Charlotte Westcott

7- James Freed Workshop 1A

8- Simon Wellesley-Miller Workshop 1B

9- Panel discussion: digital inclusion, Katie Heard

10- Panel discussion: digital inclusion, Dr Ben Jameson

11- Panel discussion: digital inclusion, Alex Digby

12- Driving Social Change: Insights and Innovations from Carmel McConnell MBE

South West Connect Conference 22 June 2023, Taunton

3 - The possibilities of data as a tool in addressing health inequalities

4 - Digital inclusion with SparkIT Somerset

5 - Gloucestershire ICS population helath management case study

6 - Understanding the world from a blind person's perspective

Workshop 1A - The digitalisation of clinical documentation

Workshop 1B - The Federation of Healthcare Informatics Professionals


Women in DDaT series:

1 - Women in Digital, Data and Technology webinar series – stories from our network co-chairs

2- Shuri Fellowship Cohort 4 – Everything you needed to know!

3-Allyship with OneHealthTech

4-The power of our strengths

Manchester HIVE: EPR Journey webinar

Manchester HIVE: EPR Journey Slides

Artificial Intelligence in Nursing: Opportunity or threat?